29 October 2007

Boned Whole Chicken Stuffed with Spinach & Mushroom

So I've been Tivo'ing "The Complete Pepin", Jacques Pepin's series from the mid-80's detailing classic cooking techniques. His demonstration of deboning a whole chicken was so impressive and easy-looking that I decided to try it out myself. A good weapon to have in the old arsenal.
Here are the results of maybe a twenty minutes of work with only a paring knife and a remote control. Took him maybe three minutes to do the whole thing. Next time, I think I'll be able to get a whole chicken boned, stuffed and tied in about ten minutes. Really not bad for an impressive dish. Also, this was delicious... absolutely delicious.


Lady D said...

muy impressive! your remote must be incredibly well sharpened.

cralbert said...

for some reason, this reminds me of Hansell removing his underwear in the Walk Off with Zoolander.